Conversations with Designers

etsy shop feature: rebourne [handmade eco-friendly baby & family goods]

This weekend I caught up with the shop owner of rebourne, an online clothing shop specializing in wool cloth diaper covers.ย  Marni, the artisan behind the upcycled items, was kind enough to answer a few questions for me — even though her newest baby is not yet a week old. Thanks Marni! - Etsy shop featuring upcycled wool cloth diaper covers and other handmade ecofriendly baby and family goods

Q: How would you describe rebourne?

My shop is a collection of handmade items for baby and family. I use mostly upcycled materials to create one-of-a-kind creations, many of which are cloth diapering oriented.

Q: As I was browsing your shop, I noticed the word “longies” used to describe some of the diaper covers. For the benefit of those who aren’t familiar with the term, could you explain?

Longies are pants made out of wool that are used as a cloth diaper cover. Instead of using a plastic cover over a cloth diaper, longies are worn as a cover that doubles as comfortable pants!

Wool Longies via Rebourne on Etsy

Q. What are the advantages ofย  using wool as a cloth diaper cover? Continue reading “etsy shop feature: rebourne [handmade eco-friendly baby & family goods]”