Handmade, Humanitarian, Inspiration

HANDMADE :: The Adami Tulu Project, or, How I’m Sponsoring a Child in Ethiopia with One Etsy Sale Per Month

I first heard about the Adami Tulu Project through friends who volunteer for the organization, and who had recently traveled to Ethiopia to work with Adami Tulu school. I hadn’t checked out the website, though, until this afternoon.

Children at the Adami Tulu School

As I was browsing through the pages of children awaiting sponsorship, I read the following:

…Your sponsorship cost is only $19 per month – some 37% less expensive than most programs – and 100% of that money (after PayPal fees) goes into the field, spent on the costs of Adami Tulu School. 0% goes to US administration.

And I thought to myself, “Nineteen dollars. That’s less than what I charge for ONE hat in my Etsy shop. I’d only have to sell ONE hat each month to sponsor an Ethiopian child.”

All afternoon and into the evening, I couldn’t get it out of my mind. I kept talking to God about it, and kept thinking about it. (Anytime I think too hard about orphans, and little kids needing love and food and blankets, I have a hard time not crying. But I was with Josiah and Aveline, in the middle of the grocery store, where crying just won’t do.)

I checked my email when I got home, and lo and behold — someone bought a hat while we were out running errands.

And I knew exactly what I needed to do.

So, meet little Yeabsira. He’s 4 years old, an orphan, and lives with his grandmother.
Yeabsira - The Adami Tulu Project - Sponsor a Child

Thank you, dear God, for reminding me today what is really important. Thank you for reminding me that You are the Giver of all good things. For what do you require of me but to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly before You? (paraphrase of Micah 6:8)

[All images via The Adami Tulu Project]

Humanitarian, Travel/Moving

On Thankfulness

If you’ve been reading Oaxacaborn for any length of time, you know that I haven’t lived in the US my whole life. (I mean, you should know that just from reading the title of this blog, right?) Well, I really believe that everyone should travel abroad at least once in their life. (And sorry, I don’t quite mean to an all-inclusive resort in Cancun, although I’m sure it’s a lovely vacation ;-)

Spending two weeks outside of the US has a way of altering one’s perspective in ways that are truly life changing. Necessities like toilet paper, clean water? We don’t give them a second thought, but they aren’t a given everywhere in the world. And those little conveniences like Ziploc bags and breakfast cereal — you know, those things which annoy us if we forget to pick them up at the grocery store — well, those are unheard-of in so many places.

I’m not trying to be holier than thou, or say we should feel guilty for what we have. I just think it’s super important to be aware that we have so much more than most of the world. I need the reminder myself just as much as anyone.

And so, since it’s Nakate fundraiser week here on the blog (just $491 more to go!), I wanted to share some photos my dear friend Shanley took last time she was in Uganda. I don’t know about you, but I instantly feel more thankful just by looking at these.

On the ground in Kakooge, Uganda with Nakate Project

On the ground in Kakooge, Uganda with Nakate Project

On the ground in Kakooge, Uganda with Nakate Project

On the ground in Kakooge, Uganda with Nakate Project