Conversations with Designers, Little Style

DESIGNER SPOTLIGHT :: Flannery O’kafka’s “This is Glasgow” Collection for Toto Knits

One of my favorite things about working with the Babiekins Magazine team is the wonderful people I’ve had the privilege to meet (well, virtually meet. The world is a huge place, but t’internets helps make it a whole lot smaller).

One of these talented artists is Glasgow photographer Flannery O’kafka — and let me tell you, if you aren’t already following her work, it’s time you did. She works magic with her camera and happens to also have incredibly photogenic children. (I tried, but couldn’t pick favorites from her blog or portfolio, so you’ll just have to go look yourself.)

Recently, she teamed up with Kenya-based Toto Knits and designed some beautiful knitwear. The collection, aptly named “This is Glasgow“, is inspired by “the industrial palette of the early 1900s: black, grey, charcoal, off-white, and a bit of teal to reflect the water.” It’s a perfect palette, if you ask me.

Now doesn’t her son Hugo make you think of an incredibly well-dressed Oliver Twist? And don’t you think Betsey Trotwood might have dressed young Copperfield in something like Toto Knits?

black and white stripey scarf and vest - Flannery O'Kafka's %22This is Glasgow%22 Collection for Toto Knits
black and white bonnet - Flannery O'Kafka's %22This is Glasgow%22 Collection for Toto Knits
multi colour stripey dress - Flannery O'Kafka's %22This is Glasgow%22 Collection for Toto Knits
balaclava and vest - Flannery O'Kafka's %22This is Glasgow%22 Collection for Toto Knits
All images by Flannery O’kafka for Toto Knits.

Flannery O’kafka Blog | Portfolio | Facebook
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